Kamis, 13 Oktober 2011



    It is Lion. He live in the forest. He has brown

skin. He has sharp claws. Also very sharp fangs . His

food is meat.

    Wild animals including lions and malignant. Sharp

fangs and nails are often used to find prey.in

addition to the sharp nails, he also has run a tig


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Rysky Reza Saputra

The lion (Panthera leo) is one of the four big cats in the genus Panthera, and a member of the family Felidae. With some males exceeding 250 kg (550 lb) in weight,[4] it is the second-largest living cat after the tiger. Wild lions currently exist in Sub-Saharan Africa and in Asia with an endangered remnant population in Gir Forest National Park in India, having disappeared from North Africa and Southwest Asia in historic times. Until the late Pleistocene, about 10,000 years ago, the lion was the most widespread large land mammal after humans. They were found in most of Africa, across Eurasia from western Europe to India, and in the Americas from the Yukon to Peru.[5] The lion is a vulnerable species, having seen a possibly irreversible population decline of thirty to fifty percent over the past two decades in its African range.[2] Lion populations are untenable outside designated reserves and national parks. Although the cause of the decline is not fully understood, habitat loss and conflicts with humans are currently the greatest causes of concern. Within Africa, the West African lion population is particularly endangered.

Lions live for ten to fourteen years in the wild, while in captivity they can live longer than twenty years. In the wild, males seldom live longer than ten years, as injuries sustained from continual fighting with rival males greatly reduce their longevity.[6] They typically inhabit savanna and grassland, although they may take to bush and forest. Lions are unusually social compared to other cats. A pride of lions consists of related females and offspring and a small number of adult males. Groups of female lions typically hunt together, preying mostly on large ungulates. Lions are apex and keystone predators, although they scavenge as opportunity allows. While lions do not typically hunt humans, some have been known to do so.

Highly distinctive, the male lion is easily recognised by its mane, and its

rysky reza saputra

Rabu, 12 Oktober 2011

Agid Bayu Satria

Lion is One of Africa's Big Five, the lion is a carnivore (meat eater) and a hunter. It uses its powerful forelegs to grab or slap down large prey that would otherwise outrun it. The jaws are short and strong with long canine teeth that are used to quickly kill the prey, either by biting the neck and strangling or by biting the nose and suffocating. The tongue's upper surface has small bumps on it which enables the lion to hold on to meat while eating and to remove parasites when grooming.

Its legs are short with very powerful muscles enabling it to sprint and bring down large prey.  The ability to retract its claws helps in protecting them so they maintain their sharpness.Male lions are 20 to 35% larger than the females and 50% heavier. The male's chief role is to protect the pride's territory and females from other males. Size is therefore an advantage though it increases the male's need for food. Only males grow a mane. It causes him to look bigger without increasing his weight or need for food. It also protects him from bites and scratches should he have to fight another male.
Each lion has, what are called, "whisker spots". The pattern formed by this top row of whiskers differs in every lion and remains the same throughout its lifetime.  Field researchers often use this unique pattern to identify specific animals.

Rysky Noviant Pinem

lion is one of the wild animals and animals that are protected by the government. although wild lions have a heart that is soft and can we make friends.

hairy, eyes sharp, fang-toothed, authoritative in the flock.
meat eater and likes to hunt their prey in the daytime.
Nama:Rysky Noviant Pinem(24)
Kelas: VIIIA

Muhammad fuad

Muhammad fuad

There is an lion in the Africa Zoo . His name is Leona . He comes from the jungle on the South Africa .
He has physical features similar to human . Leona has light brown fur and walks with four feet .
Leona has much fur on his neck ,too. As usual lion, Leona sleep twenty one hour every day .
Leona is as big as tiger . He is King of Animals in the jungle

Febriandini Cahya S

Name    : Febriandini Cahya S.
Class      : VIII A
Number               : 04

Task       : Descriptive Text about Lion


                There is a large lion at the zoo in Jakarta. People call her Jojo. She come from a very heavy dept.
                Physical characteristics, she was big, there are feathers in her neck. Jojo has a yellow-brown fur and she walked on four legs. She is a mammal, meaning she gave birth to her children and breastfeed them.